Phoenix Eye Care
Phoenix Eye Care

Diabetic Eye Care

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can cause signficant damage to the eyes, especially when it is uncontrolled. Damage starts with changes to the small blood vessels in the retina. This may progress to additional leakage of blood, frank hemorrhage, scarring of the delicate retinal tissues with progressive damage to the retina which resulting in vision loss. This condition is called diabetic retinopathy.


Retinal Hemorrhage

One of the primary concerns with diabetic retinopathy is that patients often may not realize that they have any problems until the condition is advanced and damage is severe. It is important to catch diabetic retinopathy early and to monitor it regularly. Routine dilated examinations are essential to insure that the condition is stable and treatment is initiated as soon as any changes are observed. Treatment includes drugs, laser and surgical intervention.


Diabetes also increases the risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts, and a number of other eye conditions.


Dr. Steinhäuser has a special interest in caring for the eyes of patients with diabetes. She has extensive experience managing patients with systemic disease and works closely with your primary care physician to insure that your eyes remain healthy.


Amsler Grid Test

  1. Put on your reading glasses and cover one eye.
  2. Fix your gaze on the center black dot about 12 inches from the screen.
  3. Keeping your gaze fixed, try to see if any areas are distorted or missing.
  4. Note the defect on the chart.
  6. If the distortion is new to you or has worsened, make an appointment with us as soon as possible

Amsler Grid Test

Phoenix Eye Care

3805 E Bell Road

Suite 1800

Phoenix, AZ 85032



(602) 549-2020


(602) 325-5536


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Monday - Friday

9AM - 6PM


Doctor's Hours

By Appointment Only

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Eye Emergencies


After Hours Service Fees Apply

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