Phoenix Eye Care
Phoenix Eye Care

LipiFlow® for Dry Eye and MGD

The LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System is a breakthrough technology for treating dry eye and associated meibomian gland dysfunction. We are proud to be among a very few practices in the US offering this technology to treat our dry eye patients. For many patients, LipiFlow® can make the difference between endless suffering and substantial relief of the discomfort of dry eye and ocular surface disease. Schedule an appointment to see if this innovative therapy is the right choice for you.

How Does LipiFlow® Work?

LipiFlow® Treatment

The tears provide a visco-elastic protective surface covering the front of the eye.  Meibomian glands in both upper and lower lids inject small quantities of a complex lipid into the tears with every blink. This lipid layer prevents evaporation and stabilizes the tear structure.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) causes the lipid layer to be disrupted which can lead to dry eye. Without an adequate lipid layer, the rate of evaporation of the tears from the surface of the eye is excessive, resulting in ocular dryness, which can be especially bothersome in the arid environment that we have in the US Southwest. Evaporation is either the primary or a contributory cause of nearly 90% of dry eye. 


The most common cause of meibomian gland dysfunction is obstruction and blockage of the ducts and openings of these glands. By restoring or improving the lipid layer, the rate of evaporation can be dramatically decreased and relief from dry eye can be significant.


LipiFlow by TearScience for MGD LipiFlow® by TearScience

The LipiFlowThermal Pulsation System treats obstructed Meibomian glands gently and effectively, restoring normal function and tear stability in a straightforward in-office procedure.  Treatment is provided by the Dry Eye Center of Arizona, dedicated to reflief for dry eye sufferers.

Understanding the Role of LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation in Managing Dry Eye and MGD

Phoenix Eye Care

3805 E Bell Road

Suite 1800

Phoenix, AZ 85032



(602) 549-2020


(602) 325-5536


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