IPL or Intense Pulsed Light therapy derives from dermatology where it has been used for several decades to treat a variery of conditions including facial rosacea, vascular and pigmented skin lesions. as well as for skin rejuvination. More recently, IPL has been shown to be extremely effective for managing meibomian gland dysfunction, dry eye and ocular forms of rosacea. We utilize a state-of-the-art Lumenis Optima® M22 which is considered a standard of care device. Treatment is accomplished in 4 sessions scheduled approximately 4 weeks apart. IPL is applied to the skin surrounding the eyes where are protected by special shields. Sessions last about 10 minutes and are quite comfortable.
IPL is thought to work by sealing abnormal blood vessels that leak inflammatory elements into the ocular tissues. Other effects observed include improved meibomian gland function, and improved tear stablity and patient comfort. Results are usually seen by the second or third treatment and have been extremely impressive for the majority of patients. Retreatments may be performed in six months to a year if necessary.